I Pinned It & I Did It

Washi Tape Feather DIY

Washi Tape Feather DIY Tutorial by LaWhimsyHere is the promised Washi Tape Feather DIY/Tutorial! These are super fun and easy to make and they can add a pop of color to just about anything – presents, gift tags, name tags, art journals, scrapbooks, headbands, accessories, the list is practically endless! Now onto the tutorial…

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 1Step 1 ~ Gather your supplies. You’ll need washi tape, scissors, and wire, toothpicks, string, or twist ties. For art journals and scrapbooks I like to use twist ties. They are thin, flat and adhere to pages the easiest (the ones shown came with my trash bags – I never use them to tie-up the garbage, so to my supply pile they go).

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 2Step 2 ~ Select a roll of washi tape and lay your twist tie upon it.

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 3Step 3 ~ Unroll your washi tape so that  it’s double the length. You can use a ruler or just eyeball it like I did.

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 4Step 4 ~ Now cut/tear the tape and fold it over to meet end to end.

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 5Step 5 ~ Squish, or you know, gently line the tape up and press it together, sandwiching the twist tie between the two sides. Don’t fret if it’s not perfectly lined up or if the top is a bit wrinkly (mine is, see) because it won’t matter after the next step.

Washi Tape Feathers DIY  by LaWhimsy step 6Step 6 ~ Using your scissors, carefully trim a slight curved shape up one side of your feather and then cut the other side to match. They don’t have to be symmetrical (feathers rarely are). I also like to trim the twist tie end a bit, I just think it looks nicer. Now it’s starting to look a bit feathery, eh? You can leave it like this is you want a basic shape, but fancy is fun, so…

Washi Tape DIY by LaWhimsy step 7Step 7 ~ Being extra gentle, start at the top on one side of your feather and cut slender diagonal slits into the feather. Take care to not cut the twist tie! Now do the other side. Now you have some texture and once again you can leave it as is ’cause it’s lovely, and will lay nice and flat on a page. However…

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy step 8Step 8 ~ I like to gently bend and slightly ruffle the feathers once I’m done cutting them. It makes them look more real and adds a fantastic texture. The lovely thing about the washi tape is how neat the finished feather feels and you can re-flatten them after you do this!

Washi Tape Feather DIY by LaWhimsy finished projectTa-Da! You now have a whimsical, magical and wonderfully hand-crafted washi tape feather! Now that you see how easy it is (and it just keeps on getting easier with each feather you make!) go and make yourself a whole bunch!

Washi Tape Feathers DIY Tutorial via LaWhimsyTalk about having a literal feather in your cap or art journal or anything else your heart desires! You can see what I did with mine in my GetMessy art journal. Let your imagination run wild and please share the washi tape feather love! I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial/DIY!

Namaste ~ Ella

For more creative ideas and inspiration check out my Creative Spark DIYs and my I Pinned it and Did it!  Pinterest boards!


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